CNN animated series features in Variety

CNN's new animated series features in a Variety article

CNN gets animated

August 25th, 2020

Six Feet Apart


Read excerpts below and the full article on Variety. 

...“Whoa. We need to be six feet apart when we argue,’ says the elephant to the donkey in one of as many as four spots that are planned for the initiative. “This is the closest we’ve been in years,” says the donkey. The pair will jockey in similar fashion in the other promos. CNN viewers will be reminded at the end of each of four different vignettes to tune in to network coverage of political conventions, Election Day results and other potential events. The shorts should be visible on CNN venues through early November.

“CNN has over the years run all kinds of content: hard-news hours, documentaries, even a quiz show. Now it’s going to try animation.”


The new campaign attempts to inject a lighthearted note into a political-news cycle that is anything but. The elephant and donkey, while antagonistic toward one another, are depicted as longtime associates. They are more like Statler and Waldorf, the grumpy “Muppet Show” critics, than they are Montagues and Capulets, says Whit Friese, vice president and group creative director at CNN. 

Read the article here.