Golf Saudi case study


Golf Saudi

Building positive associations of Saudi Arabia to golf enthusiasts

Sector                                    Objectives

Sport                                    Brand awareness




Golf Saudi wanted to increase awareness of Saudi Arabia as a destination for golf while building positive associations and favorability of the country to international golf enthusiasts, opinion leaders and luxury consumers.

Golf Saudi aimed to increase audience alignment and achieve greater reach and influence in the golfing community.


This editorial sponsorship of Living Golf was a multi-platform campaign focused on TV episodes, social videos amplified by Launchpad, digital sponsorships and a branding campaign which were distributed across TV, digital and social.

The campaign aimed to portray the country’s ambitious, thriving, and diverse qualities to golfing enthusiasts, HNWIs and opinion leaders.


3.2 million

CNNi Golf section unique users

3.8+ million

Digital ad impressions

1 million

Social video views

Services this project covered

Editorial sponsorship

Golf Saudi sponsored 12 episodes of CNN's monthly flagship series, Living Golf, which aired across EMEA and Asia aimed at golfing enthusiasts that value travel, business and a passion for the sport. Two vignettes per show were also included.


Digital activation

Digital articles complemented the campaign, including Golfer of the Month articles featuring the best players of the sport. Golf Saudi ran 100% SOV across CNN International and CNN Arabic Golf sections.



Using Launchpad, WarnerMedia’s social amplification tool, CNN promoted 12 Living Golf social videos across Facebook and Instagram, with excellent levels of engagement.


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