Access Bank Case Study

Africa Avant-Garde Hero

Access Bank

Changing the global narrative around the continent


Brand awareness | Market Growth


Access Bank wanted to change the global narrative about Africa, connecting the world to the continent by celebrating the dynamism and creativity of African talents.


CNNIC developed a multi-platform campaign centered around the exclusive sponsorship of Africa Avant-Gardea new CNN feature showcasing innovators and creators working across art, design, music, film and fashion.

Across editorial and commercial, the content was designed to complement the other and maximise targeted global appeal and audience reach.


Page Views
745 thousand

Page Views

Banner Impressions
2.1 million

Banner impressions

Digital Impressions
1.7 million

Digital impressions

Video Views
2.4 million

Social video views

Services this project covered

CNN editorial sponsorship

Sponsorship was rolled out across TV, digital and social. On TV, Access Bank held sponsorship of Africa Avant-Garde segments and sponsored vignettes. They had digital sponsorship of a dedicated online hub with 100% share-of-voice (SOV) and content was also extended across social.

Avant-Garde Digital Hub


Promotion played a key part in this campaign, with content posted on CNNI's social handles to engage with a wider off-platform audience. WarnerMedia’s proprietary software Launchpad was used to amplify the impact.

Avant-Garde Social

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