Hanoi Case Study

Hanoi hero image

Hanoi Tourism

Harnessing local knowledge to drive awareness 




Brand awareness | New consumers


Having never embarked on a large scale international branding campaign, Hanoi Tourism wanted to showcase the breathtaking natural beauty and thousand-year heritage of Vietnam’s capital city to an international audience.

The aim was to increase awareness and consideration of Hanoi as a must-visit tourist destination.



Hanoi Tourism selected CNN for a two-year multiplatform partnership that evolved from the introduction of Hanoi as an ideal travel destination to explore the city's heritage, culture and history.

Drawing deeply on local knowledge and with strong social and editorial elements that harnessed the power of influencers intimately acquainted with the city, the campaign provided an inspiring and authentic journey into what makes Hanoi unique.


page views
817+ thousand

Hanoi POV page views

facebook icon
4.2+ million

Facebook views

68+ thousand

#myhanoi video starts

Services this project covered

Hanoi image

Feature site 

A campaign feature site developed by Create, further extended the campaign's digital content.

Your story starts here 

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